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Adoption Form

Select one of the following
I'm adopting a Dog
I'm adopting a Cat
Have you owned one of these pets previously?
Have you previously owned a rescue pet
Have you previously had to give an animal up for any reason?
Do you currently own another pet?
Do you have any children under 7, in your household or visiting regularly?
Do you own or rent your property?
I own my property
I rent my property

We ask this because we require permission from your landlord to adopt an animal.

Employment Status

We ask this as some of our animals cannot be left alone for extended periods of time.

Contact us

We have long waiting lists of animals needing to be rehomed Cats and Dogs in the highest demand. There is a community need for our new kennels and cattery facilities so please help us however you can.


You can email should you want more information, to put an idea forward, donate to the charity or offer your time as a volunteer either at Moorsfield Farm or in one of our shops.

Alternatively, you can complete a Contact Us form here, and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your support.

Claire Smith/Debbie Stannard

EAS Mangers/Trustee liaison

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